среда, 15 сентября 2010 г.

Конфигурирование HBIDE

При попытке использования у меня возник вопрос: а как же настраивать? Оказалось я не один такой непонятливый ;-)
Вот, что пишет создатель этого полезнейшего продукта в ответ на вопрос о конфигурировании. Получается можно легко сделать несколько профилей для разных нужд. Кому надо - переведет гуглом.

Hello Javier

> I'm lost with the dialog environments, I have read some threads about
> this, but honestly I do not understand how to configure these options.
> Maybe it would be enough if I rewrite the hbide.env file, and set my
> path (qt path, mingw path, etc.), I'm right?.
> For me it was difficult to understand how to configure my environment
> (within the environment options dialog). maybe you could please
> provide some help, maybe a screenshot or a little guide.

Follow these steps:

1. Click on and select
2. Click on node of tree-view.
3. In the "Setup" dialog edit control provide
  _path_to_hbide.env. Do not care if it exists already or not.
4. Click toolbutton at the right-most of
  edit-control, and in the opened editor wriite entries like this:

     [ MINGW 4.4.2 ]
{content} set PATH=C:\qt\4.6.2\mingw\bin;%PATH%
{content} set PATH=C:\harbour\bin;%PATH%
{content} set HB_COMPILER=mingw
{content} set HB_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:\harbour
{content} set HB_BIN_INSTALL=C:\harbour\bin
{content} set HB_INC_INSTALL=C:\harbour\include
{content} set HB_LIB_INSTALL=C:\harbour\lib\win\mingw
{content} set HB_COMPILE_SINGLE_SOURCE=yes
{content} set HB_TR_SYSOUT=yes
{content} set HB_WITH_QT=C:\qt\4.6.2\qt

     [DUMMY]             # Must include this line at the end, a bug I
have to fix.

Save it and restart hbIDE.
You can create as many environments as you like.
Just separate them with [EnvName] section.
Select an environment, via context menu, for the project ready to be
Change the environment as above when you need to compile
with another environment.

Hope above will help.

enjoy hbIDEing...
Pritpal Bedi

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